Lightweight Balloon / Aerostat Observation Payload System 

The SPEED-A was specially designed for Aerostat applications and Aerostat constraints.The SPEED-A gyro–stabilization is in all three axes Pitch, Yaw, and Roll, and the mechanical structure is very low weight to reduce the total weight to a minimum.
The SPEED-A system is a tactical, lightweight, balloon mounted, portable EO/IR, area monitoring and intruder detection system with real-time, electro-optical, stabilized detection characteristics.
The SPEED-A system incorporates a Thermal Imaging (TI) Camera with a Continuous Zoom Lens, a Color Daylight TV Camera, Eyesafe Laser Rangefinder and Laser Pointer.
The SPEED-A has an Observation Mode with live video for intruder recognition, identification and tracking.
Price on request
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